The Ring Bros.:
A 2-Man Circus
The Ring Brothers, Max and Jojo, have toured the world and performed with and for many celebrities & organizations. Now they bring you an acrobatic and aerial duo of strength, pizzazz, and pure entertainment. This show has most recently been touring the United States and on Norwegian Cruise Lines as guest entertainers to great acclaim. In this performance, you will be treated to acts of Aerial Acrobatics, Partner Acro, Clowning, & Dance with the Ring Brothers flair of creativity & humor.
This entertaining high-flying romp under the Big Top is perfect for all ages and available in a 45-minute 1 act version and a 90-minute 2 act version.
"They have put together a total, complete, unique, distinctive, and thoroughly entertaining show in “The Ring Bros.”…and they perform it with every ounce of talent, skill, and enthusiasm they possess (which is abundant, to say the least.) An “Intimate Cabaret Spectacle” was what I was expecting in “The Ring Bros.”, and is exactly what I got…and it came with the highest level of professionalism and expertise. Every detail of their show is designed to insure that the audience is entertained and involved, which is achieved to perfection. Their passion and joy for what they do is contagious and magnetic, and the audiences feel it and respond to it…with laughter, awe, applause and standing ovations."
– Steven Shore, Esse Productions (Presenter)
"Two of the most talented and creative aerial duos that I’ve ever had the privilege of working with!”
– Sinan Ulucay (Cruise Director/Norwegian Gem)